Thursday, July 28, 2011 9:01 PM
Forgiveness ends all sufferings and loss
Forgive and forget? It seems easier than it is right? But, what is the point of holding on grudges, anger, hatred in yourself? Using all your time and effort in planning the best strategy for a revenge? In the end, your actually drawing a plan that will put yourself in misery.
Inner peace can only be reached when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is the vehicle for changing our perceptions n letting go of put fears,condemning judgements, and grievances.
Hatred, anger and revenge gives us a very blur vision of love. Its only when we are wiling to forgive then it will allows us to see only love in others and ourselves and nothing else.
Through selective forgetting through taking off the tinted glass that superimpose the fearful past upon the present we can begun to know that the truth of love is forever present and that by performing love we can experience happiness.
Forgiveness is a process of letting go things that we thought other did to hurt us or things we did that may hurt others. If we cant forgive ourselves first, then no one else can.
When we are able to forgive, we feel like we are no longer drown by worries, hatred and all the negative thoughts, instead we are set free with a heart full of joy, happiness and love.
Fill our heart with care, love and joy not with things that will imprisoned us.
Forgiveness will clear the misunderstandings we had on others and bring us closer to one another. Through forgiveness we will learn to love more than hold on grudges on one another.
Forgiveness simply does not mean tolerating with people's behaviour or their differences that we do not like. Instead, forgiveness means correcting our misperceptions that the other person hurt us.
When we are unable to forgive, we are actually the one suffering. The one that may hurt us might not even know or hurting at all. It is because when we cannot forgive, our unforgiving mind takes control. And our unforgiving mind stubbornly sees the past and future as the same and it resist to change. It refuse us to see how different our past and future can be. The unforgiving mind sees the inner peace as its enemy. It perceives everything as separate.
Forgiving, its hard. but to me, its even more suffering when i cant forgive others. Here is one experience that i faced, that i will not forget because this was what made me realize how important is forgiveness.
About 2 months ago, I was really upset, very down, I was still in Perth. It was late at night, then my friend came online and asked me to try out something. So that person sent me a link. I clicked it, and its like a machine that will answer everything and anything, like a fortune teller machine. So there i was, being all emotional at that moment, asking all the questions. and i was really specific, with names and asking all silly things. Then after i was done asking, and the machine answered me. My friend came to me and told me that he/she was actually the one answering all my questions. I got so angry and hurt and ashamed that i straight away appear offline. That person kept saying sorry. Tweeted me sorry too. But i ignored, because i was mad. I started crying.. Then i realized why i was so angry. Its because i could not forgive my friend. I was so mad at myself for not being able to forgive that person for i know my friend had no intention to hurt me. So i quickly went back online and forgave my friend and immediately i felt so so much better! i was happy! :)
Forgive like how you know its the right thing to do. Forgive like how you want to be forgiven as well. I forgive even before you say sorry.
All fear is past and only love is here
Now, reward yourself with a smile for each and everyone of us has a forgiving heart :)
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